If you are new to First Assembly or looking for a place to worship with your family, we want to take a moment to express how thrilled we are to have you with us!
We hope that from the moment you step onto our campus that you are overwhelmed with the kindness and grace of Jesus as you meet the incredible families that worship here!
As you plan for your first visit, please note the following points of interest.
There is NO DRESS CODE. Come in your shorts or your suit. Whatever is most comfortable for you to worship.
We have engaging ministries for both Children and Students.
Our Nursery is available for children 0-3 years of age.
We have a live band that leads us in worship every Sunday.
Enjoy preaching that is relevant to every day life.
What We Believe
GOD - God is the one true and living God who pours out blessings upon His children. He is the creator of all things and exists in three distinct personalities: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
THE WORD - The Bible is God's Word which has been revealed to mankind without error. It is the authority for our faith and is applicable to guide every area of our lives.
SIN - Man is a created being, made in God's image. Because of Adam's failure, sin entered the world and death was the result, causing man to be spiritually dead and separated from God.
JESUS - Jesus is God's only Son. He was born a human birth, offered His sinless life by dying on the cross, was raised from the dead and ascended to Heaven. He will personally return in power and glory.
GRACE - Forgiveness is provided to man by Christ's gracious offering on the cross.
POWER - It is God's Will that each believer be filled with the Holy Spirit. This includes speaking in other tongues and the operation of spiritual gifts.
FAITH - The provision of God includes healing and grace which are provided for us through the work of Jesus and received by faith in this work.
THE CHURCH - The local church is the expression of Jesus in and to the world. Every believer has an important and valuable role in the church.
Meet The Team
Dennis Boyce
Lead Pastor
Derwin Ward
Scott Lingerfelt
Executive/Worship Pastor
Family Life & Care Pastor
Jared Lilly
NextGen Pastor
Mallory Gibby
NextGen Admin
Joyce Jackson
Office Manager
Tim Adams
Business Administrator
First Kids Service is Sunday Morning @ 10:30am in our Education Building.
Royal Rangers & MPact Girls Club meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.
The Safety of all children is our top priority. We have a police officer on campus every Sunday morning and a member of our security team is stationed at our Education Building. Everyone that works with our children must pass a criminal background check.
We Believe God desires to speak to, call, & work in the lives of our children!
SO... we provide Biblical, Engaging, & Fun ministry for them EVERY SUNDAY MORNING! Kids get to worship, play games, hear God's word on their level, & participate in Bible Quiz time. We would love to introduce you to our Children's Ministry Staff.
We are an high-energy group of students & adult staff members who LOVE JESUS & want to make a difference in our world! We meet on Wednesday evenings for Alive Student Night. Come join us at 5:30pm for food & games! Then, at 6:30pm we join together for engaging worship, fun, & God's word. DON'T MISS OUT ON WHAT GOD DESIRES TO DO IN YOUR LIFE!
When Do We Meet?
Sunday Morning
9:00AM Prayer Time
9:30AM Sunday Discipleship
5:30PM - Hang Out Time [Food & Game Room]
6:30PM - Alive Youth Service
We also meet often for fun events like: Water Wars, Holiday parties, Sporting events...
Where Do We Meet?
The Student Union
SAFETY IS A TOP PRIORITY FOR US. All of our adult youth staff must have a current background check on file.
Quick Links
Office Hours
Mon-Wed: 8:30-4pm
Friday: 8:30-4pm
Contact Us
777 S. Myrtle School Rd.
Gastonia, NC 28052
Tel. 704.864.7336
Fax 704.864.7420
2019 First Assembly of God